Tuesday, February 01, 2011

{Valentine's Day} printables, crafts, ideas

Something must be happening to me or I must not have much to do at work. I am usually not this on top of my game. But surprisingly I am already thinking about Valentines Day and some lucky friends will actually receive their cards BEFORE the 14th! Imagine that. (Unfortunately, I am not that "on top of my game" re: mom's birthday but its ok she understands.)

So this weekend was spent churning out cards. Made a couple that I actually really wanted to keep for myself but I was disciplined enough to just take a picture of it to be replicated at a later date. After a good amount of the cards were completed, it suddenly hit me that the 14th was going to be a week day (a Monday at that) and I didn't have anything in mind for my coworkers. Ok so I could get them candy and call it a day but I wanted to make something special. Or maybe I am looking for an "oh my gaaaash you're so thoughtful!" response instead of an "oh cool thanks." Either way, I have rounded up some of my favorite ideas for Valentine's Day --

So let's go cheap and easy. This simple printable design can be used with a variety of things: tags, personalized and put in a frame, used on a card. I think I shall make these into tags for candy bags. Here is the link for the printable. (click click)

Next option is one that is good for kids. I found this on Martha Stewart. I chose this one too because #1 everyone loves lollipops #2 it is so easy to make (espcially using the cricut to help me cut the hearts) #3 I think if I share this with my coworkers, they can replicate it at their school sites for their kids.
Here are the instructions:

Heart-and-Lollipop Flowers
With just a little TLC, colorful hearts flourish as the petals of a new flower variety --one with a lollipop center and stem.

1. Use card stock to make a half-heart template about 3 inches high and 1 1/4 inches wide. Fold a 12-by-3 1/2-inch piece of construction paper in half vertically, and trace four half-hearts along the fold.

2. Cut out hearts; unfold.

3. Stack hearts; punch a hole 1/4 inch up from bottom. Position petals to form a flower, making sure holes line up. Secure by applying glue around holes; let dry. Write name on a petal. Insert lollipop.

This is definitely something I want to work on at home tonight...but instead of yarn I might use felt. We'll see how that goes. I always have these plans and then I get home and the "Real Housewives" always seem to get to me. Here are the instructions and the link (click click) has more pictures.

1. First, we made cardboard hearts from a simple template we made out of a folded piece of paper.

2. Next, we wrapped the cardboard hearts with yarn. We wrapped and wrapped until each heart had a bit of a belly, to give them some dimension.

3. Then we made a couple of simple wire hearts from armature wire we happened to have in our craft bin; it’s very pliable with a pair of pliers.

4. Finally, we strung them all together. So simple.

Last but not least. This is my favorite. So simple yet thoughtful. Also very good for this cold weather. (Cold in all true sense of the word because everyone around me is getting sick and drinking tea like crazy.)

I have decided that this is gonna be my little treat of choice for the ladies in both my office and my small group at church. Now I just have to go pick out some good tea, preferably something yummy. Get my printer set up. Get paper. Start printing. Do all this before Friday so I can give it out at our agency-wide meeting. Go me!

Link for printable here: clickclick


Sas said...

ooh fun ideas. like the flower one esp. valentines day is not quite as huge here. people do do stuff with their man/woman but we don't really give things to friends and fam. i might convert my wreath into a valentines one tho... hmmm... you look like you have lotsa work ahead of you!

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