Sunday, January 30, 2011

A 5-minute environmentally friendly idea

While I was being a cleaning machine this weekend, I was kinda sad at how much trash I was accumulating. Broken rice cooker, empty soda bottle, empty milk gallon jun thingy ( I don't know the proper name for it) tons of paper, old magazines, get the drift. Oh me oh my, if this little apartment could accumulate that much trash, imagine a household of 4. No wonder those landfills are filling up. I will be the first to admit that I am not a recycler.... I tried, it attracted a buttload of ants, I gave up.

So today, after I used up my last clorox wipe on the kitchen counter (I hope those wipe are biodegradable because I sure use a lot of them) I looked at the costco size container and decided I should reuse it. Ok...the truth went a little more like this. I looked at the container, I opened the trash can, it was full (and I didn't want to take the trash out just yet) so I decided that it was a nice enough size, perhaps I could use it as storage for something or other. Bleah. I am ashamed. But whatever it is. I like to think I did my little part of the environment.

So here is how I made it pretty:

Step one: Rip off the ugly blue label that yells out antibacterial wipes yadda yadda. Look through scrap paper box. Pull out paper cutter. Two different types of glue - white glue and permanent tape glue. Scissors. Measure, cut, glue, tape.

Step two: Empty k-cups (slurrrp. Keurig - responsible for keeping Ruth alert at work and for starbucks losing $3.75 daily from Ruth since 2010) from ziplocs they were kept in.

Step three: Fill up now pretty-fied lysol wipe container.

Step four: Stand back. Admire. Take picture. Blog.

PS. hiding in the back behind the sugar jar: Coffee Bean Vanilla Powder. Heaven in a can. kthxbye.


Sas said...

ugh just wrote a comment in here but my poopoo connection wiped it out. anyway. wanted to say that's a good idea. recycling stuff into something you actually want is key! haha. instead of nonsense that i sometimes come up with then end up throwing anyway.
recycling is made pretty easy here in terms of the bin thing. they pick up the plastic, glass, paper, etc. so it makes things quite simple. i know not the same everywhere...
anyway. love the paper you used to cover it with too. pretty!

Just Ruthie said...

ooo yeah we have the bin thing too but only for houses...not apartments. So all my trash goes in one big bag. I always see people picking cans/bottles out of dumpsters though, I think you can get a good amt of $ for them.

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