Sunday, January 30, 2011

The quietness of this weekend.

Ever since I got back to the US I have been so busy I haven't even had time to really unpack and just sit and do nothing. The first weekend I was back I was so jetlagged I didn't want to do anything, then we had that little excursion to San Pedro and then the weekend after that was spent in Vegas. So this weekend I decided that it was time to stay home and tackle some cleaning. Now I worked on the kitchen and bathroom. That's enough, me thinks. On to the fun stuff.

A while ago, on groupon (check this site out if you are in the US. Really good deals sometimes) so yes as I was saying, awhile ago on groupon they had a coupon for a photobook on shutterfly. I don't really remember how much I paid for it or when I got it but they sent me an email recently saying that it was going to expire. EEEK no. Not on my watch. So this weekend I sat down and got that project going. Surprisingly easy but very time consuming. I hear the end product is great and really good quality so I decided on my end, I should do what I can to not let shutterfly down.
It took me a good part of Saturday (minus time off I took for Indian food and a flourless chocolate cake from Portos with the homies) to complete it. I am done now and CANNOT wait for the 10 days or so till it will be in my arms. In the meanwhile, here are some sneak-peeks.

When I was done with that, I was playing bejeweled online when I realized oh em gee its the end of January and I should get started on some valentines day cards. But some organizing of the craft area was due so I tackled that first. Ok not really, because all I did was move some stuff around so that my stamps and ink are more at eye level now. Dug around my stuff and found two valentines day stamps and decided to start making some cards. If I mail them off this week, they would arrive just in time for people to display them till V-day. Here are the two I have worked on last night and this morning.

Alright. As much as I wish I could ignore that pile of laundry staring at me I can't. I need clothes to wear to work tomorrow. So this post shall be short. I have also realized this inverse reaction with me and time on Sunday nights. As the time increases, my happiness decreases. Sigh. Only one more thing to look forward to tonight. BAD- Breakfast at Dinner. nom nom nom.



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