Thursday, January 27, 2011

To inspire and Awe

One of the things I like to do in blogland is to be a voyeur and look at pictures of people's houses, apartments, kids, food they make and eat, their crafts and most of all...their creative spaces. You see, by nature I am a very inquisitive person. Yes I am the person who walks by your apartment and if you have your blinds open, you will probably catch me looking into your living room I have to stop that. The bf says its rude. I agree, but I just can't help it! But thanks to bloggers who post pictures of where they live and almost everything else in their lives (no holds barred) I get a peek into people's lives for free.

More recently though, I have been drawn to people's creative space. Living in Los Angeles, with rent being what it is, it is a luxury if one can have a spare room that they can turn into a craft room/creative space. What I would give for a space like that. But a girl can dream and it was once preached that when dreaming and asking God, one should have the faith to believe that it will come true. So it is with that faith that I have been dilligently collecting pictures of rooms that I love and that I would one day steal ideas from.

So for those who share my love of pretty places, here we go:

Although I love my whites, I still adore all the different colors used in this room. Not sure about the lanterns hanging from the ceiling, I could do without all that. But that blue table and red polka dot top is calling my name. I think some decoupaging of my craft table is due this weekend.

This is for the shabby chic in me. Though I love well painted pieces, once in awhile a cool thrift store chair repainted also tugs at my heart. Check out the legs on that desk. I have a feeling though that the top and of that desk is from ikea. I wonder where they scored those legs from.

If you have seen my workspace, then you will know why i like this one. No prizes for guessing. the "buntings." Something i replicated for my workspace this year.

What is there NOT to love about this tiny space. Its replicable in every apartment right now. I think putting fabric on the tabletop and glass over is a BRILLANT way to beautify a spot. Fabric is so affordable and a simple chage of the fabric can change your mood and the room drastically. Oh HELLO retro typewriter. I did not see you there. WONDERFUL! That old school fan? I'm sold. A trip to an antique mall is due soon.

A gift from the design gods, Ms. Heather Bailey. ( This is her creative space. I'm usually not a fan of pinks in the room but somehow she got me with this.

I saved the best for lest. Who wouldn't want an island in their craft room. And that green. UH MA ZING. Those jars she uses to store her little knick knacks (top left corner) swoon. I could go on about this room for days. The little blue box on the wall to the left, the ribbon roll!!!'nuff said. I'm going back to being sad that as of right now I am craft room less. This weekend however, I am going to spruce up my little area, organize all my supplies and maybe take some pictures.


Sas said...

ah love.

dreaming is good for us i think. i'm learning to do that more, just cos' you never know what will unfold. i think dreaming also helps us cling on to hope on the harder days.

show pics if you do get some stuff done this weekend! we thought we would but j's been in front of the tv since 930am and now it is 3pm. hahaha. think not.

love s

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