Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Because a girl can dream

I wish I had the courage to not worry about financial issues and just go out and do what I really love. If I had the courage, I would either
1. work at a coffee spot
2. go back to school and take a design class(es)
3. work at a craft/paper store (think: papyrus or paperchase or some fancyschmancy scrapbooking store)
4. Own a scrapbooking store and host scrap/card making classes

But since I am not that brave, and its not too fun being hungry and homeless (cos thats what my paycheck goes to: food and rent) , I will diligently work at this nonprofit till I feel called in another direction. Having said that....a girl can always dream. Thankfully though,I am blessed enough that I have friends who are similar (read: the smell of paper/ink/ruber stamps gets us high and washi tape/twine/buttons make us shriek with excitment and when you throw buntings into the mix...no let's not even get to buntings, that might make me pass out)

Recently, we took our love for paper, stamps,felt, sewing, buttons, tape to a new level when I bought the cricut machine. That was in November. I thought ok...I'm done, I have everything I need to make myself and people around me happy. I was wrong. BOY was I wrong.

HELLO Letterpress. You make my heart skip a beat. Over a recent crafting session (yes I am a dork and we have sessions like that) my friend mentioned that she was interested in taking a letterpress class and has been looking online for one and will send me more information when she finds something. Yesterday, during lunch, while waiting in line at Chipotle my phone beeped and I received an email saying LETTERPRESS CLASS. ohmygosh I was sooo excited I was ready to abandon Chipotle, hop in the car, drive back to work and click on the link. But do not fret, I have my priorities straight. Chipotle> link I can click on later. (But to be my friend please note buntings> Chipotle)

so ladies and ladies (I don't think gentlemen read this blog) yours truly, will be taking a 4 hr class where I will be learning how to letterpress. Joy oh Joy! The class will be in March and I will try to take pics (if I don't pass out from beauty overdoes) and hopefully, this takes me one step closer to my dreams.

In the meantime, I leave you with this beeyooteeful quote. (Letterpress style)


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