Friday, January 21, 2011

Almost Paradise

If you ever find yourself in Orange County, if you ever find yourself in LA, if you ever find yourself somewhere in SoCal for a day....there are 2 places that I strongly recommend. Not because the food is exceptionally great, but because the whole experience is as close to paradise as one can get over here in LA. You see, my life in California started out in one of the most beautiful cities. Malibu. I lived by the ocean for a good four years, got spoiled by the view, the people, the life. Then when I graduated from college, I moved to LA and I was speechless. A 30min drive changed my world drastically. I went from fresh air, green rolling hills, beautiful ocean to smog, potholes, crime and a wonderful soundtrack of sirens and police choppers. I missed Malibu, I miss waking up to the ocean. So whenever I get a chance (translate: whenever I manage to bug people enough) or whenever I have visitors in town, a must-see must do on my list is "Paradise Cove" in Malibu. Paradise Cove has alot of history (over 100 years) its a local hangout and sometimes I like to pretend I too am a local (apart from the fact that I am asian and do not appreciate the cold pacific ocean water.) Paradise Cove to me is where we would go on "special occasions" (think birthdays and hangovers) during my college years. We would go for breakfast and sit for hours chatting about school and life in general. Since leaving Malibu, I have brought the boy there a couple of times, the family has also been there and select close friends have had the opportunity to enter my pradaise cove world. See the problem with the cove is that its just such a long imagine my excitment when Pet discovered CRYSTAL COVE!

Opened by the same family, Crystal Cove is located in Orange County, more accessible because you don't have to drive down 398184 miles of PCH (a beautiful drive nonetheless but looooong when you are hungry and in expectant of a good breakfast.) Just like Paradise Cove, Crystal Cove is also right on the beach and serves pretty amazing food (or so I hear because when we went, the wait for 90mins and we were starving so we bailed.) The catch with Crystal Cove is that to get to it you have to either 1. take a shuttle from the parking lot 2. pray that it hasn't been raining or else wade through the flood that is the underpass to get through to the other side. Regardless...very worth it because once you are done wading you are greeted by this:

and by this:

The pictures speak for themselves. So if you ever find yourself in California (Where the grass is really greener-Warm, wet and wild -There must be somethin' in the water -Sippin' gin and juice
Layin' underneath the palm trees) yeah I went there with Katy Perry. whatwhat! Back to where we were, yes, please stop by either Paradise Cove or Crystal Cove. Trust me, it will be well worth the drive.

This weekend: I take on Vegas. Hash House ag0g0 and crab legs! Wheeee


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