Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Ports' O call

I satisfied my seafood craving this weekend. Not that I didn't satisfy it in Singapore but shrimp and crab is something one can never tire of or get enough of. When we first starting dating, the boy told me about a wharf-like place his parents used to bring him to when he was younger. He told me tales of ordering shrimp and crab and fish and getting them to prepare it for you whatever way you like. He created images in my head of mounds of shrimp on a tray that you can peel and eat....that was four years ago. I was starting to think that he made this up to impress me to get me to go out with him. That this "mound of shrimp" he spoke of was nothing but fantasy.

This all changed on Saturday. Since he had "boys night" on Friday, Saturday he promised that hangover or not, he was going to take me to the San Pedro Fish Market to prove that he was not making up stories and probably more so that I will stop saying "you never take me anywhere." Ladies and Gentleman, San Pedro fish market is real! Its huge! Just seafood everywhere. Smells bomb (but honestly, smelled better than it tasted.) I think people come here more for the novelty than the food. But if you have never been, you should just go for the experience. Be prepared to spend $$ because this seafood does not come cheap. Here I present you: San Pedro Fish Market and the infamous mound of shrimp.

On the right we have CRAB. You pick which crab you want and then they give you a ticket to the cooking station where you tell them how you want your crab done. Simple enough. Then you pick your shrimp and you take it to the same cooking station and instruct them on how you want it done. For the lazies (me) who don't want to wait in line to pick your seafood of choice because the smell is making you hungry, you can simply order the "shrimp tray" and be done with it. Don't forget to order the garlic bread as well. Mmmmm this is making me hungry.

San Pedro, is a little city nestled close to Long Beach, close to the ports and one never really goes there and before Saturday, San Pedro to me was where the 110 freeway ended. We decided to drive around after lunch and stumbled upon some really cool lookout points. Going to school in Malibu really spoiled me. Living four years by the ocean, you tend to forget how beautiful it is and you started taking "views" for granted. Moving to LA taught me to appreciate beautiful scenary once again. And I guess, since Malibu is inhabited by celebrities and skyhigh real estate prices, if you want something similar to a Malibu ocen front view minus the skyhigh price, San Pedro would be a good alternative.

Dear San Pedro, I will be back. Maybe in the Summer when my parents come visit :) In the meantime, keep that seafood coming. xoxo Ruthie.


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