Monday, January 10, 2011

one ten twenty eleven

Wow I honestly don't know where 2010 went. I remember it being Summer and how hot it was and here we are at 2011. Keeping up with a blog is tough when everytime you want to write you get distracted by other wonderful blogs. So I know I have been MIA for awhile but I have been reading. My November and December were really stressful. Work saw me planning a HUGE Christmas event. Every third Sunday in December we throw a Christmas party for foster youth and give out not only a meal but also 7 gifts to each youth. This year we expected 2500 youth to be in attendance so we wrapped a gazillion gifts (this is where my asian genes have let me down, my math is horrible) My job in this? Event planner, volunteer coordinator...blah blah blah all in all despite the rain, it was a huge success. I got really sick, lost my voice, had a fever on the plane ride back to Singapore but a happy heart because it was a joy to see all the kids who attended the event leaving with bags full of gifts and smiles that probably lasted for days.

Then Singapore was a whirlwind, catching up with people I see on fb daily but in person, once a year. Stuffed my face with enough seafood to last me till hmm maybe March ( I love crab!) partied enough to last me half a year and slept enough till Spring :o)

So here we are at 2011. Not one, but two weeks have gone by in this new year and if I have one wish at all it is that time would s...l..o....w down. This year will see my making many important decisions. Grad school? Green card? I don't like this growing up business.

My boss graciously allowed me an extra week of vacation (paid! yay!) and so today marked my first day back at work. I sat at home last night staring at all the pretty scrapbooking stuff I got for Christmas, the pretty pens I got back home (hello kikki k and muji) and I felt my heart drop. Rooroo did not want to go to work. I knew the only thing that would make me excited about going to work (cute pens made me "mehhh" about going to work, I needed something that would make me go ahhhhh CANNOT WAIT to go to work.) So I decided to pretty-up an old notebook. Used whatever scraps I could find laying around and came up with that notebook you see up there.

Well 2011, here we are. Here is to good times, great memories, no regrets and exciting endeavors.

Shu: I saw Dhany on NY eve!


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