Sunday, November 14, 2010

A couple weekends ago

I just realized that if I don't post this soon...I will be almost a month late. So I thought I better update this with what I did this Halloween. I love Halloween for a couple of reasons:
1. planning a costume and putting it together
2. CANDY. lots of it and even better post-halloween candy sale
3. seeing kids in their costumes

This year I got to do all the above. The costume was planned months in advance with my friend Petrina. Didn't take much convincing on my part but we agreed to go as Twiddle Dee and Twiddle Dum from Alice in Wonderland. I think on my part I just really wanted a reason to wear suspenders and a propeller hat. Much to our surprise however, when we shared what we were going to be with our other friends, they decided hey! Alice in Wonderland. Why not. So we went as the cast (minus a few members) as Alice in Wonderland.

And this is where my procrastination kicks in. Despite knowing MONTHS AND MONTHS in advance what I was going to wasn't till the night before that we decided to go shopping to put our costumes together. And who knew that suspenders were so difficult to find! (sidenote: where do old men buy their suspenders? I swear they must be wearing the same ones since 1953 or something because we could not find them anywhere. Anywhere being the 3 different menswear stores and 2 costume stores we went to) Also because we couldn't find a cool stripe shirt and it was too late to go with my black duct tape on white shirt we settled on sticking on letters to plain white tees. So ladies and gentleman, I present you with... the last-minute Twiddle Dee and Twiddle Dum. (please note the suspenders we did find at the costume store. Suspenders with shot glasses attached. Little did we know that they would prove very very useful at the party)


Shoe said...

OMG! Great costumes!! Simple and funny and cute!

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