Tuesday, August 24, 2010

They say its officially Summer

Growing up in a tropical climate, I thought I had grown accustomed to the heat and humidity that was lil Singapore but I guess having lived in California for almost eight years now alas I cannot stand heat and humidity anymore. I realize I get hot sooo easily and I get bothered and my hair frizzes which leads me to getting even more bothered. The only good part about the heat and sun was the tan I got this weekend and on Friday when I had to set up a booth for a recruitment fair. Other than that, I am hiding in the AC thank you.

Its unbearable today. 98 degrees outside I believe it is. (Now that I know how 98degrees feels like I think that boyband should have picked another name cos 98degrees is HOT and they...well they are not.) Anyway while browsing online just now on random blogs and shopping sites I chanced upon these boots. And they provided a quick mental relief from the heat. I pictured myself wearing them and splashing in puddles.

And I decided that this year will be the year I actually go out and purchase some rainboots.(Watch it also be the year with no rain in the Fall)I think the one with polka dots are too cute to pass up on. Then I thought about Target and a quick search pulled up these babies! This year. I, Ruth Wu, shall get some rainboots.


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