Thursday, August 19, 2010

oh Summer how I love thee

Warning: this might be a long post

When I started this blog, I decided not to bring posts from my old blog over. I didn’t want this to be a personal blog. With facebook and everything now linking one thing to another, you don’t exactly know who is reading what. So I started with posts of things I do or things that interest me. Problem is most days after work, I am too tired to trawl the internet to look for pictures that inspire me and I find myself sitting on with all these thoughts in my head that I want to pen down, things I want to tell people and I want to write and write and write but then this little voice says “I thought you didn’t want to make it about YOU” Well you know what little voice. Shove it. This is my blog and I shall write what I want. Everything that means something to me. If and when the day comes that I am getting paid to blog, then and only then will I make it less personal. So in the light of this: more frequent postings to come.


I’ve had fairly busy weekends recently. Everything ranging from biking on Venice to camping to the Hollywood bowl to the Unique OC fair. Summer will be gone before we know it so here I am just trying to make good use of the sun and heat and get a tan that will hopefully last through Winter *fingers crossed* I will let the pictures speak for itself.

I didn’t take many pictures at Unique OC. But here are a list of my favorite vendors and their links. Of course there were like many many more but I didn't get business cards from everyone....was too busy trying to stop myself from buying everything in sight.

FleaMarket Girl (
Kelso doesn't dance (
the Poster list (

You can also see more pictures from Unique OC here *click*
My favorite buy of the day and probably of this year is a necklace by Dewi Designs. She makes these beautiful delicate necklaces from thread. Uh-ma-zing. Totally in love with it. Check her out here Her prices are a little pricy but totally worth it. I, on the other hand, managed to score a really great deal from her “sample sale” pile at the Unique OC fair. Got my pretty lil thang for $20. *swoon*

So all in all weekends have been really enjoyable. Will post more on what I did this weekend, pictures and all soon.


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