Thursday, February 24, 2011

Oh these long weekends

Can't believe that we are already at the cusp of Friday! This week kinda went by in a blur, the long weekend definitely threw me off but also gave me time to tackle certain projects. The rain did in fact clear up by Sunday which meant that I could go hiking on Monday. Being that the most I exercise daily is: home-car-office-car-home the 3mile hike was kinda daunting. What a wuss. But I did it and had fun! There were streams to cross and rocks to climb. I ended up with soggy socks and wet shoes - things to note: bring flipflops next time. Cold feet in wet socks is no bueno. To treat ourselves, we indulged in uber delicious pastrami (and unnecessary calories) at Oinkster. Well there goes that work out. Anyhoo, the hike was wonderful, weather was great and I would do it again.

On the crafty side, I did manage to get some sewing in this weekend as well. After spending about an hour at Jo Anns which really only felt like 10 mins, I came home some fabric, a hoop-ringy-thing I don't know the exact name for it and misc scrapbooking stuff I shall not go into lest I sound a little kkkrazy. Popped in a movie when I got home and got started with my first project.

Always go with bunting. Its the safest choice.

This became this:

Then became this.
I love it. It hangs by my bed now, a constant reminder of the state I'm in.

Very pleased with the outcome *pat self on back* I came up with an idea for Sarah's miracle baby. I'm sorry Sarah, I really didn't want to show this to you till its done but but but I'm bad at keeping surprises. I plan on sewing his name or maybe last name at the bottom so in the mean time, here it is. I would mail it to you with the frameeee but I'm sure you can find a cute one down in New Zealand in a color you like or a color that would go with his room.

I loved every minute I spent doing it for you and G-baby. I wish you lived closer (not literally half the world away). Glad you aren't affected by the Earthquake. Praying for your fellow New Zealanders. xoxo

P.S thanks for the blog award. Will tackle it in the next post.


Sas said...

OH ME OH MY that's awesome! i love navy and red too so that's a bonus for me. thanks so much girl. totally ok that you've shown it on here. it helps confirm my ideas to decorate stuff with those colours haha. we don't have a name yet, if not i'd try to help, so just hang in there and we'll keep you posted. (and yeah cheaper too to post it without frame. can find one here...)thank you so much. i appreciate it so much. it looks lovely. how did you do it?? is that all sewn on? IMPRESSED!

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