Monday, February 28, 2011

Because lately I feel like I should recycle

If that isn't the longest title ever. Anyhoooo I had a friend in town this weekend and him and his gf decided to stay at my place. You see normally that would be fine and dandy except that I have never met his girlfriend and seeing that it was the weekend, I decided to just let them have the apartment and go crash at my friend Petrina's place. It rained all weekend. It got so cold that Saturday night (on the way to Walmart) it hailed. But stopped before I could change my facebook status to "ITS HAILING" or something along those lines.

So...since nothing much came up this weekend. I decided to share with you something I came across a couple days ago that I thought was a good way to use up old magazine paper.

Introducing the recycled gift bow. (Tutorial here)

She used the yellow pages. Oh my. You could probably make a million bows out of that thick book. I don't know why they keep dumping them off on our doorstep. Who still uses those things. I say, if it doesn't end with a .com we probably don't really use it (except for coupons, I love cutting those things out of magazines, the newspaper....then I end up forgetting to bring them to the store till they expire. I'm working on it.)

Anyway these bows are pretty easy to make. It saves the earth. Your recipient is happy that he/she is getting a present, earth is happy that we are recycling, you are happy because you did your part to curb waste. All in all. A plus for everyone. Let me know if anyone ends up using this soon!


Sas said...

ooooh. have done something like this for quick christmas bows when i've run out of proper ribbon. good idea, just can get a little squooshed in transport. coupons- we don't have heaps here but when i find one to bring to the store, i totally forget to use them too! you should make/sew like a special coupon wallet with all your crafty craftiness.

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