Friday, September 03, 2010

Pegboard pretty please

So recently, well no let me rephrase that and start again. Every other day, I visit blogs on crafting and design and stuff and every once in awhile, a blogger features her craft room and after the initial oohs and aahs (that go on in my head cos I'm usually at work and can't make it to obvious that I am not working) I admit I get a little frustrated because...I don't have one! You see, the problem with living/renting in Los Angeles is that rent here is soooo high, that it would be ludicrous to rent a 2 bedroom and turn one into a craft room. The only way to justify ever doing that is if somehow I am generating an income from stuff I am making. Having said that, sadly, my talent is nowhere near that and the stuff I make is well...kept in a box for me to probably look at and laugh at 10 yrs from now. (But you see this is a catch22, for if I have a craft room I might be more diligent in working on my crafting abilities and projects and...yeah....'nuff said)

Anyway, last night I spoke to the bf and told him that for Christmas this year, since I can't get a craft room can I just get a pretty pegboard. I am thankful that my bf loves the hardware store as much as I do and if I have a plan/project that sounds interesting, I can convince him to work on it with me or at least go to the store with me to get what I want. I showed him pictures of pegboards like the one pictured here and requested one for Christmas. Sigh. He said. "ok but not in this apartment" crushed. I am crushed but not downtrodden. I will brush myself off, take him to some yummy all-you-can-eat Korean bbq and try my luck asking him again. In the meantime, I shall collect pegboard inspirations.


Sas said...

me too. i want to just pegboard a whole wall cos' it will be fun to hang random things on. and it looks like polka dots which is a plus. haha. hope your man caves soon. xoxo

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