Friday, July 09, 2010

Welcome home Ping!

My cousin, Joy and her roommate recently adopted a dog from the pound. When she first told me that she was going to get a dog, I searched my brain for a nice way to say "please don't get one of those fluffy frou frou poodle-ish dogs puhhhlease." But when I saw a picture of the dog, I did not have to use my politically correct line. This dog was a sweetheart. A sharpei-pug mix. Such a cute face!! AHHHH Ping (they decided to call her that cos the pound named her Pink...are u kidding me! What kind of a name is that) was rescued from a puppy mill (Lisa Ling did a story about puppy mills once on Oprah and those places are literally hell on make that HELL *grrr makes my blood boil) The pound thinks shes 6 and poor Ping was bred just to breed more. pooor doggie. *sigh* Read more about puppy mills here

Anyway I wish I was with them in NY so I can see the dog in person. Well, I can't, so I did the next best thing as Auntie Ruth. I made the doggie a present! Originally I wanted to make a leash but since my sewing skills aren't up to par yet (need to stop being so lazy and practice) I decided to make a dog leash hook. Came out pretty cute if I should say so myself :o)

You can be happy now Ping! You are in a good home. Enjoy your new home and your walks!


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