Thursday, July 15, 2010

free downloads

I know i know! I'm so sorry I have been slacking on my posts. You see...the weekend was rather eventful with the world cup and all that good stuff. Then I got sick. So I have been trying to sleep it off. You see I have a wedding of a college buddy this weekend and I so DO NOT want to go as a sick little poophead. So all I've been doing after work is laying in bed, watching movies and the occasional cross-stitching.

Oh! I did complete yet another iphone case this weekend. Pictures to follow when I have completed the other one. (A coworker offered to pay me to make him 2 different designs!)

Anyway, because I don't want to leave anyone who checks this blog hanging. Please accept this as my peace offering. If you go to this link: click me! the author of that blog is offering a free download everyday in honor of her birthday month. So go ahead get crazy on free cupcake toppers, pinwheels and what noughts.

I promise another post before this weekend ends. Right now, enjoy these downloads.


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