Sunday, July 04, 2010

Throwback weekend: Oak Glen

The parents were in town for a good 2 weeks and being that they come every year to visit...we are slowly running out of things to do in good ol Los Angeles so this year we decided to check out some places I've seen online and some recommended by my aunt who also lives out here.

First stop: Oak Glen. Located in the San Bernadino Mountains, it is home to everything APPLE. No not the computer kind...the real kind! According to their website, the best time to go would be in September when the apples are ripe for the picking. Pity we went too early so we were stuck with seeing little ones on the tree. Little green ones that will be big red ripe ones come August. I'll be back to pick you guys!

Apart from apples, another reason to love Oak Glen is for their little town filled with little cute stores and yummy goodies nomnomnom. First stop was for some lunch. My aunt told us about a place she went to the last time she was there that smoked and bbq-ed their ribs in an amazing marinade. Fall-of-the-bone good she said. SOLD. Needless to say, she was right. And an added bonus was the bottle of "Maple Chipotle" marinade I scored at their store. (

After lunch it was back to the town to walk around the stores we saw earlier. I won't say much, I'll just let the pictures speak for themselves. We were even treated to a free western gun show while seated on bales of hay.

Imagine my surprise when (in this western town) I spotted a little wooden shack that had some vintage goodies. I got so excited, pulled out my camera took a step forward and heard a loud crack. In my excitement, I didn't notice that I had dropped my sunglasses on the ground and in true Ruth fashion I trampled on them. Good things the parents were in town to buy me a new one :o)

But I digress, all in all (apart from my poor shades) I had an amazing time in Oak Glen and cannot wait till September to drag some friends there for apple picking and yummy goodness. Till next time: Oak Glen California. A great Saturday getaway.


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