Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Make a List and check it twice

I know I have been absent for awhile. But I come in peace and bring a free download! Recently, I have been trawling the www for lists. The main reason being, I am getting bored of my planner. Its summer and I have been using it for 7 months now and eh I am kind of over it. So I decided to search for cute, pretty to-do lists. And ahhhh there are tons out there. Even better...there are tons for FREE out there. All you need is a color printer and you are set! Featured below are my top three picks.

(from L to R)
1. This one I found awhile ago. A simple to-do lists whose colors calm you down. I stumbled across this from this blog. 74 Lime Lane This is also available free for you to download (if the link is still active.) I used this for almost a month back in March when work was getting crazy busy.

2. the FEELGOOD list. You can read about it here. (click) I believe this one isn't free though. You can customize your list and get it emailed to you for a small fee.

3. XO, Little Marty. This is my favorite and also why I am linking you to the free download. (click click) Do I even need to expound on why I love this list? The colors (oh so Summer!), the font, the bottom left where it reminds you of things to be grateful of and on the right of that you can even cross off how many cups of water you have had all day (mine usually has NO crosses cos I don't like water. Diet coke please or more recently, black tea and lemonade.) I am now on day 12 of using this list and I couldn't be happier.

Hope you enjoy lists as much as I do and happy printing!


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