Friday, February 18, 2011

My absence

How did I go from posting 3 times in the past week to ZERO times this week. I do have my reasons (or excuses)
1. They loaded some software on our work laptops that block facebook and google images! So I couldn't search for pretty things to post. The absence of facebook however has seen a dramatic increase in my productivity.
2. No time no time! I have taken on more duties on my plate at work which has kept me really busy. The upside to that is that it makes the time go by a lot faster.
3. Was busy making v-day stuff.

ok two excuses.
Anyhoo, its President's day on Monday which means we have a long weekend! Yay. Also being that the boy is busy this weekend and will be gone for most of next week I have plans to get out of the house and not just laze around alone.

Hiking! Praying that it doesn't rain so that this can become a reality. This easy hike will include crossing over some streams that look like this

to get to this!
YES! A hidden waterfall in Pasadena. The good part about the rain we had and are going to have today is that the waterfall will be "full." I don't know if thats the right term for it but you know what I mean. Full = lots of water in the waterfall. Don't judge my use of terms.

Hopefully this weekend will also allow me some time to do some crafts. I have a couple of projects in mind. They go something like this:

This was something I found at one of my favorite sites: Tatertots and Jello (also my favorite food mmm tots...I LOVE tots)

and something like this that I found here on "whatever." One day, I too will have a craft day like these women do.

So stay tuned...if pictures go up next week in this space, then you know I spent my weekend doing more than watching reruns of Roseanne :)

Stay blessed you guys. xoxo


Sas said...

wo that 'whatever' blog is cool too. do you know! i've been thinking of using those circle embroidery frame things to decorate something. maybe a room?? still thinking though haha. have a great weekend girl. show us if you get anything done. i still have a coffee table in the garage that i've 'meant to' finish painting... it has been like 3-4 weeks? sigh. hahaha.

Just Ruthie said...

I wish I had a garage to do stuff in...kinda glad I don't because honestly if I did, it would just be a bunch of 3/4 done stuff. I can't seem to see things to completion urgh. must. change. habit.

Sas said...

oh join the club. i've learnt to just keep things/ideas simpler instead of making them complicated haha. (oh by the way gave you a blog award. feel free to pass it on or not. no pressure!)hope you are having a good weekend.

Just Ruthie said...

ooo thanks for the award. Had a busy weekend will post soon. Thanks Sair!

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