Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Deep Breath. In Out.

This morning did not get off to a great start. For some reason my alarm didn't go off (I blame the task killer on my phone) and when I opened my eyes it was 8. I had to be at work to unlock the building at 8:30. I live 40 mins away. My math is bad but even I knew that 8am + 40mins does not equal 8:30.

Basically I jumped out of bed, pulled some pants on, a sweatshirt and hopped in the car sans makeup and coffee. I learned something about myself this morning. Unless I am "dressed up" for work, I won't feel in the mood to work. And to make things worse...last night I made Arroz con pollo for dinner and saved some for lunch today. Surprise surprise...I arrived at work sans that too! I'm so upset. More upset and sorry about missing out on a yummy lunch then my makeup-less face (though I'm sure my coworkers are more sorry about my makeup-less face.)

So this day has been a mess. We are only three hours into it with six more to go. I can. I must. I will try to make myself feel better. Breathe in. Breathe out. Everything will be alright.

sidenote: isn't that old school desk just adorable and that chalkboard wall. Chalkboard paint has got to be one of the greatest inventions ever.


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