Thursday, October 21, 2010

My absence and I do apologize

I don't even know if anyone reads this anymore but I know I have been gone for a long time. So I'm sorry...if you have sat expectantly and waited for my posts. I did write a post before this and i was a gripe about how its Fall and its still hot out but that post got trashed because right after I got a car wash on that hot Fall day...yeah it started raining. My September has been kinda crazy it involved a car accident and getting mugged all on the same day but since then some semblance of sanity has returned and its October and I am going to put that all behind me.

In other news, I did actually complete my cross-stitch over the summer, I almost completed a book I was reading-"half the sky." And most important I did get crafty. You see, under my bed I have a big brown box labeled "SCRAPBOOKING STUFF" that box has lived under my bed for awhile now (2 different apartments) to be exact. As Summer was coming to an end, a good friend of mine started getting into scrapbooking,which got me back on that bang wagon. So I dusted off that box (urgh almost got an asthma attack doing that cos there was SO MUCH dust) and in between watery eyes and sneezes I went through everything in that box, reorganized everything and started scrapping. However, rather than just scrapbooking for myself with my pictures, I decide to make cards to send to people to make them smile. If you are reading this and have gotten one from me recently, I hope you enjoyed it.

I will get around to posting some of the cards I made, I need to start taking pics of them so for now, just enjoy this one. I am still a work-in-progress so bear with me here. Alright I really am at work right now so maybe I should end here. Crafting again has ignited that "I.want.a.peg board/craftroom/momcave!!!" fire in me.


Sas said...

ok now you have to expand on that 'getting mugged' part. i read the whole post but couldn't concentrate because of that. but i know you made cards. i like doing that too! cos they are small and can get done quickly hahaha not like some ten-year projects that i seem to have too many of. xoxo

Shoe said...

Mugged and accident?! Oh dear... I'm glad you're okay! And that your blog is still so pretty! I'd love to see more of the cards!



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