Sunday, July 18, 2010

Meet the Fosters

This weekend I had the privilege of being part of a good friend's wedding. I met Adam in college. You see, in Pepperdine, most people did their sophomore year overseas and being that I was already "overseas" I decided to stay in Malibu (a decision that I really regret) but staying in Malibu meant that the sophomore class that was left behind got really close. It was that year that I met Matt, Adam (Foster), Adam (Ballek) and Luke. We became close and till this day remain pretty close. After graduation, Matt got married and Adam got a gf! Fast forward to yesterday, they got married.

I was really really excited for this wedding not only because it was a good friend but because I had seen their engagement pics and I knew it was going to be a really pretty wedding. You can sneak a peak at their engagement pictures here. (A+J)

And the wedding did not disappoint. It was held at Jessica's parent's house, also the house she grew up at. I guess I shall let the pictures speak for itself. I can't do it justice.

Entrance to the wedding area. They sectioned off a little area in their backyard kinda by the pool. There was probably enough seating for about 100 people. The check in area had a nice vintage desk where they set out postcards for people to write a note to the couple or advice for the couple's future. The wall behind the desk was filled with their engagement pictures and also their parents' wedding pictures. The picture on the right is a little photo booth area they made for guests to take pics with whatever props they might want.

The couple and their simple program. Adam is one of the most creative people I have ever met, I'm not sure if he designed this program but I love how simple it is.

Of course no wedding is complete without cake! nom nom nom. The beautiful bride and the picture wall I was talking about.

The cute drink station and table settings. The toffees were made by Adam's mom and were soooo good. I finished all mine today. Toward the end of the night...when we were on the dance floor someone threw my program and name thingy away. URGH! I was gonna scrapbook with that! ah wells. At least I got a picture of it.

I have loads more pictures on facebook of the wedding, the reception, the guests... the MC (Trevor from that now defunct O-Town! lol) more decor details. And if you saw the engagement pics, you will know that Adam has a '66 Mustang. So at the end of the night, this shiny mustang pulls up, the couple hops in and Adam zoooms off to their honeymoon. Great night. Wonderful memories. Now how does one top that wedding experience?!!!


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